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Sunday, July 31, 2011


During infancy.

For three or four weeks after birth the infant sleeps more or less, day and night, only waking to satisfy the demands of hunger; at the expiration of this time, however, each interval of wakefulness grows longer, so that it sleeps less frequently, but for longer periods at a time.

This disposition to repose in the early weeks of the infant's life must not be interfered with; but this period having expired, great care is necessary to induce regularity in its hours of sleep, otherwise too much will be taken in the day-time, and restless and disturbed nights will follow. The child should be brought into the habit of sleeping in the middle of the day, before its dinner, and for about two hours, more or less. If put to rest at a later period of the day, it will invariably cause a bad night.

At first the infant should sleep with its parent. The low temperature of its body, and its small power of generating heat, render this necessary. If it should happen, however, that the child has disturbed and restless nights, it must immediately be removed to the bed and care of another female, to be brought to its mother at an early hour in the morning, for the purpose of being nursed. This is necessary for the preservation of the mother's health, which through sleepless nights would of course be soon deranged, and the infant would also suffer from the influence which such deranged health would have upon the milk.

When a month or six weeks has elapsed, the child, if healthy, may sleep alone in a cradle or cot, care being taken that it has a sufficiency of clothing, that the room in which it is placed is sufficiently warm, viz. 60 degrees, and the position of the cot itself is not such as to be exposed to currents of cold air. It is essentially necessary to attend to these points, since the faculty of producing heat, and consequently the power of maintaining the temperature, is less during sleep than at any other time, and therefore exposure to cold is especially injurious. It is but too frequently the case that inflammation of some internal organ will occur under such circumstances, without the true source of the disease ever being suspected. Here, however, a frequent error must be guarded against,  that of covering up the infant in its cot with too much clothing throwing over its face the muslin handkerchief and, last of all, drawing the drapery of the bed closely together. The object is to keep the infant sufficiently warm with pure air; it therefore ought to have free access to its mouth, and the atmosphere of the whole room should be kept sufficiently warm to allow the child to breathe it freely: in winter, therefore, there must always be a fire in the nursery.

The child up to two years old, at least, should sleep upon a feather bed, for the reasons referred to above. The pillow, however, after the sixth month, should be made of horsehair; for at this time teething commences, and it is highly important that the head should be kept cool.

During childhood.


Up to the third or fourth year the child should be permitted to sleep for an hour or so before its dinner. After this time it may gradually be discontinued; but it must be recollected, that during the whole period of childhood more sleep is required than in adult age. The child, therefore, should be put to rest every evening between seven and eight; and if it be in health it will sleep soundly until the following morning. No definite rule, however, can be laid down in reference to the number of hours of sleep to be allowed; for one will require more or less than another.Regularity as to the time of going to rest is the chief point to attend to; permit nothing to interfere with it, and then only let the child sleep without disturbance, until it awakes of its own accord on the following morning, and it will have had sufficient rest.

The amount of sleep necessary to preserve health varies according to the state of the body, and the habits of the individual. Infants pass much the greater portion of their time in sleep. Children sleep twelve or fourteen hours. The schoolboy generally ten. In youth, a third part of the twenty-four hours is spent in sleep. Whilst, in advanced age, many do not spend more than four, five, or six hours in sleep.

It is a cruel thing for a mother to sacrifice her child's health that she may indulge her own vanity, and yet how often is this done in reference to sleep. An evening party is to assemble, and the little child is kept up for hours beyond its stated time for retiring to rest, that it may be exhibited, fondled, and admired. Its usual portion of sleep is thus abridged, and, from the previous excitement, what little he does obtain, is broken and unrefreshing, and he rises on the morrow wearied and exhausted.

Once awake, it should not be permitted to lie longer in bed, but should be encouraged to arise immediately. This is the way to bring about the habit of early rising, which prevents many serious evils to which parents are not sufficiently alive, promotes both mental and corporeal health, and of all habits is said to be the most conducive to longevity.

A child should never be suddenly aroused from sleep; it excites the brain, quickens the action of the heart, and, if often repeated, serious consequences would result. The change of sleeping to waking should always be gradual.

The bed on which the child now sleeps should be a mattress: at this age a feather bed is always injurious to children; for the body, sinking deep into the bed, is completely buried in feathers, and the unnatural degree of warmth thus produced relaxes and weakens the system, particularly the skin, and renders the child unusually susceptible to the impressions of cold. Then, instead of the bed being made up in the morning as soon as vacated, and while still saturated with the nocturnal exhalations from the body, the bed-clothes should be thrown over the backs of chairs, the mattress shaken well up, and the window thrown open for several hours, so that the apartment shall be thoroughly ventilated. It is also indispensably requisite not to allow the child to sleep with persons in bad health, or who are far advanced in life; if possible, it should sleep alone.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Protect your Child's Emotional Well-Being

In our effort to balance very full and hectic lives with our families and our jobs, we may have been neglecting an all-important facet of our child's life:  their emotional well-being.  The first three years of a child's life is a critical time for a child, and the trauma of changing child care providers or having a 'part-time' parent float in and out of their life can be very traumatic and destabilizing for them.  It's imperative that parents, educators, involved adults and care providers make a concerted joint effort to ensure that a child's emotional needs are met on a daily basis, just as their physical needs are.  The effects of not meeting a child's emotional needs, especially during the first three years of life, can have devastating consequences. Violent, disruptive or defiant behaviors can result.

The first three years of life are critical in a number of ways. This is when bonding and emotional separation takes place.  If there are interruptions in either of these processes, misbehaviors from the child can result. This can later have an affect on their relationships later in life and hinder them in developing their own healthy relationships as adolescents or adults.

During the first three years of life, the brain goes through its most rapid development ever, the likes of which will never been experienced again. By the time they are three years old, a child's brain is already 'hardwired' from the experiences they've had to that point.  It's imperative that these be loving, supportive, safe, positive experiences so the brain will be conditioned to expect positive things.  If they've been frightening, hurtful, abusive, or dangerous, then the brain is conditioned to expect negative occurrences.

Therefore it's critical that parents, caregivers and other involved adults make a concerted effort to make sure the child's emotional needs are met in a positive, constructive and healthy manner.  Parents should ensure that the child's care providers are stable and consistent, and don't move them around to different childcare providers during this important phase. Ensure a child feels safe and secure with structured and consistent schedules and routines.  Be sure to spend as much quality time with your child at this time as possible, regardless of your otherwise busy and hectic lifestyle.  A child can sense that such a schedule is stressful to you and it can become a frightening or confusing element for them.  Therefore it's important to take time out to reassure them that you're never too busy for them.

Remember that your child's emotional well-being is just as important as their physical, so do your part to ensure your child knows he's growing up safe, secure, treasured and loved.
  Calm Homeopathic Lozenges for Emotional Well Being

Friday, July 29, 2011

Single Parents and Dating: How To Mingle Part 2

Singles Activities

Almost every community has a singles scene. Whether you live in small town or a metropolis, you're likely to find activities for singles at churches. You don't really need to have any kind of strong religious convictions, as most of their activities are organized around nonreligious events.

Groups likes YMHA, YMCA and YWCA also have programs for singles. You are also likely to meet people like you in professional organizations, or writing group, or a theatre company. To simplify things, singles, or even single parents, are everywhere. You just have to know where and how to look for them.

Here are some alternative ways to find the singles scene in your community:

- Check local newspapers and magazines for listings of singles organizations and groups. There is no rule against joining groups just to meet other people, so go ahead and sign up for something that interests you.

- Try some singles bars or nightclubs. If you're a bit courageous, you can go alone. But for starters, you might want to go in a group.

- Do things you've never done before. Develop new interests and venture into novel activities. Who knows, you might be able to meet someone interesting at the oddest of places.

To find out about groups in your area that share your interest, check the listings in your local papers. Sundays and Fridays are usually packed with information about singles events.

The larger the city, the easier it will be for your to find local resources. But wherever you are, you are likely to find clubs and organizations that are meant for people of wide-ranging interests. There are gourmet coulbs for singles, supermarkets for singles, lectures and discussions centered on singles... the possibilities and opportunities are endless!

So what are you waiting for? Get your groove and get back on the social scene. Being a single parent is not a curse, nor should it deprive you from enjoying life. You never know, love could be just around the corner.
The Single Mother's Survival Guide with Other

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Single Parents and Dating: How To Mingle Part 1

The Single Parent's Guide to Love, Dating, and Relationships
Single parenting doesn't have to be such a drag on your social life. When your kids are old enough to understand, you can probably start on the dating scene once again. But, hey, it all really depends on you when you think you're ready to begin mingling with new people once more.

If you have been avoiding some singles activities because you call them 'meat markets', you might want to consider going with your own plan. You can take along your own close-knit group. You can go out and just practice flirting. Or you can enjoy an evening's worth of superficial meetings at a bar.

In short, when you have follow your own agenda, you can always enjoy mingling with other singles whether or not you meet someone special. Guide To Online Dating; date advice for women, advice for online dating, women dating tips, dating advice guys, single parent dating.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Do You Know If Adoption Is Right For You?

Are you considering having children?  If so, you may want to think about adoption. Adoptions is where you accept a child that isn't biologically yours, but then make it your own. You will find that there are no limits to your legal rights after the process is gone through. The time period of an adoption will verify by state, but then you will find that the child will be yours for the rest of your life.

If you have been trying to have children but are not able to, you might be trying to figure out if adoption is for you. Adoption is hard, but you will want to ask everyone that you know (family, friends, loved ones, clergy) about how they feel about adoption. This is never something that you should decide to do completely on your own, because it is a lifetime commitment. If you are thinking about becoming a single parent, you will want to talk to others so that you can make sure that adoption is right for you.

Remember that you are going to be taking a child that someone else has created and making that child your own. You will want to make sure that you are okay with the fact that someone else has the child and then gave the child up. If you are okay with that, then you may want to think about adoption.  If you don't care where a child came from, and if all you want to do is give a child a good home, you should consider becoming an adoptive parent. However, also remember that a child requires time and money. You will find that the process of adoption is very expensive and time consuming.

You are going to find things about your adoptive child that may end up being a mystery. You will find that if you are given a bit of family history from the adoption agency, then you will be able to understand your new and you will know all of the circumstances that the child was born in. You will know why the parents gave the child up. You will find that sometimes all the information that you want is not available to you, this is where you need to decide if you can live your life like that. If you can live with or without the background information, you should think about adopting a child.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Trends In Single Parenting

Ethnic studies have discovered that 90% of single parents are women, while in 1995 32% of Black families are single parent households with dependent children. Only 8% of White families are single parent households and 7% in South Asian families.

Around half of Black women aged 30 and above are primary income generators in single parent households, while only one in ten among South Asian women have this scenario. Such figures indicate the sharp difference of Black and White single parent households.

Other ethnic studies of black and white women ages 15 and 44 found that family disruption is a major concern in future choices of children in terms of childbearing and marriage. An ethnic study conducted by Bumpass and McLanahan found that the daughters of single mothers have a:

- 53% chance of being married during their teen years
- 111% change of having teenage births
- 164% change of having premarital births
- 92% chance of experiencing their own marital-related problems.

The developing behavior of girls that grew up and having their father die early also leads to different effect.

- Black children are not significantly affected if their mother is widowed early in life.
- Parental family status does not have a considerable impact on whether white or black girls who grew up in families would get married again after getting divorced.
- The results show that when family background traits are kept constant.

Bumpass and McLanahan arrived on the conclusion that the finding give strong evidence that women who spend a portion of their livelihood in a single parent environment have a bigger chance of getting married and bearing children early, to have children out of wedlock and have major martial issues that will likely end in divorce.

Regardless of what ethnic group you are in, being a single parent is hard. Those coping with being a single parent normally feel the following: sadness, abandonment, confusion, guilt, fear of being alone, and anxiety. The following advises are crucial to help fight combat these feelings:

1) Forgive and forget – Letting go of unwanted feelings can make one feel happier and lighter. Holding on to anger provides more stress that letting go. Forgetting will make more bearable for you to move on and possibly develop a relationship, and preserving your relationship with your kids.

2) Maintain network and ties with your community – Having honorary uncles and aunts in the community develops camaraderie between the kid and the neighbourhood, and the parent and the neighbourhood. It also enables children better understand that creating relationships is an helpful way to forget the bad feelings that they felt during the divorce of their parents.

3) A sense of accomplishment – When a child is assigned with small tasks, a sense of accomplishment is normally felt. Since additional responsibilities have been given, a feeling of openness is added. This is due to the fact that a goal has been achieved to assist in the household. This makes the child feel that he is an integral member of the household.

4) Take responsibility – Before, the responsibility of caring for the family was shared between two individuals. Now, only one is tasked to provide for the whole family. Taking responsibility gives power to a single parent to be extra careful in making decision and managing the family. In addition, the parent can request assistance from the children on major decisions such as what items are essential in the grocery

5) Do not forget the old habits– Children need stability in their lives after a traumatic divorce. Rituals as going to dinner every Wednesday or the parent fetching the child from school every Friday should be kept. In this way, the child will feel that even if the parents are divorce, the good rituals are still there.

6) Different experience for the child - Since the child now shuttles between two separate parents, the child can further broaden his perception on how life should be tackled. The child is more receptive and aware to what goes around him, and accepts that the world is not perfect.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Home Schooling: Cost Analysis

When parents decide to educate their children at home, it usually costs much less than either a private or a public institution.  By home schooling your child, you will save time and gas because there is no commuting involved.  There is also less or no expense for day care due to one parent staying home full time.  In addition, clothing is inexpensive because there is no pressure to keep up with fashion trends.  Home school expenses include books and supplies, which can be very reasonable, especially when you use your local library.  Eating meals at home is also cheaper and much healthier than either buying meals at school or making lunches for school.  Other expenses include music lessons, sport supplies, and other fees for hobbies.  Computer equipment and programs are also an extra expense.  Some parents who home school also pay for private tutoring to supplement their teaching.

Public schools have no tuition and do not charge for books, but parents must pay for supplies.  Extracurricular activities also have fees associated with them, same fees as home schooling.  Children who attend public school can either ride the bus, which is free, or commute to school, which can be costly with rising gas prices.  Sometimes, there is a fee for computer classes in public school, depending on the school.  Lunches cost more, especially when parents do not know if their children are throwing the food away or sharing it with other children.  Clothing expenses are high because of peer pressure and popularity.  Often, parents need day care for their children until they are done with work.

Private schools do charge tuition, which is usually $1000 to $5000 per year, depending on the school.  Private school also charges for books, but not usually supplies.  Music and art lessons are usually included in tuition.  Computer software is an extra fee, along with any sport supplies or after school programs.  Private schools do not offer transportation, so that is an extra expense.  

Overall, parents who home school spend the least amount of money, while parents who private school spend the most.  On the other hand, when a parent decides to home school, a full time job is usually out of the question (or very difficult to include in a daily schedule).  This means there is less income in the family.  Nevertheless, the choice to home school should be based on your child's ability to thrive and learn in a home setting or school setting. Home Learning Year by Year: How to Design a Homeschool Curriculum from Preschool Through High School.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Encouraging Play Encourages a Child's Development

We've all heard the term, "Oh, that's child's play." It implies something is easy, frivolous and unimportant in the overall scheme of things.  But to a child, child's play is essential to their mental, social, emotional, and physical development. 

We all know that children like to play. But what we may not know is the importance of play in a child's life. Play is essential to every area of a child's growth and development.

Play provides a means for energy to be put to use. It strengthens and refines small and large motor skills, and it builds stamina and strength. Sensory learning develops mostly through play. Play is significant to physical development in that without it the body could not grow and develop normally.

Children possess a natural curiosity. They, explore, learn and make sense out of their environment by playing. Parents and educators alike can support this learning activity by ensuring age-appropriate toys, materials and environments are available to the child. Setting Limits with Your Strong-Willed Child : Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries

Play enables children to know things about the world and to discover information essential to learning. Through play children learn basic concepts such as colors, counting, how to build things, and how to solve problems. Thinking and reasoning skills are at work every time a child engages in some type of play.

Children learn to relate to one another, negotiate roles, share, and obey rules through play. They also learn how to belong to a group and how to be part of a team. A child obtains and retains friends through play.
Play fulfills many needs including a sense of accomplishment, successfully giving and receiving attention, and the need for self-esteem. It helps them develop a strong sense of self, and is emotionally satisfying to them.  They learn about fairness, and through pretending learn appropriate ways of expressing emotion such as anger, fear, frustration, stress and discover ways of dealing with these feelings.

So encourage your child's play.  Color pictures, make finger paintings, build buildings and imaginary cities with blocks, and built a tent in the middle of the living room and go camping! And as we all know, childhood is fleeting, so let them enjoy being a kid while they are one!
The Development of Children

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Encourage Your Child To Feel Important

101 Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special
It's imperative for a child's healthy development to feel important and worthy. Healthy self-esteem is a child's armor against the challenges of the world. Kids who feel good about themselves seem to have an easier time handling conflicts and resisting negative pressures. They tend to smile more readily and enjoy life. These kids are realistic and generally optimistic. It's also been shown that children who feel important are well-rounded, respectful, and excel in academics, extracurricular activities and hobbies and develop healthy relationships with their peers. You Are Your Child's First Teacher: What Parents Can Do With and For Their Chlldren from Birth to Age Six

In contrast, for children who do not feel important or cherished have low self-esteem, and challenges can become sources of major anxiety and frustration. Children who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solving problems, and may become passive, withdrawn, or depressed. 

You are the biggest influence in your child feeling important, valued and worthy. Remember to praise your child for a job well done, and also for putting for a valiant effort. Praise the good traits they naturally possess, and help them find ways to learn from their mistakes and failures. Be honest and sincere in your praise. Help them realize that you also suffer from self doubt and can make mistakes from time to time, but that you know that you are important, valued and loved. When you nurture your own self -esteem and importance, your child will learn to do the same, so be sure to lead by example and steer clear of self-depreciating yourself or engaging in activities that lower your self-worth or importance. 

Your child may have inaccurate or irrational beliefs about themselves, their abilities or their traits. Accentuate the positive about your child, and encourage your child to set realistic expectations and standards for themselves. Help them identify traits or skills they'd like to improve and help them come up with a game plan for accomplishing that goal. Encourage your child to become involved in cooperative activities that foster a sense of teamwork and accomplishment. 

Through these and other positive, affirming activities, your child is sure to develop a strong sense of self importance, value and worth which will carry into their adult years. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Control your Anger, Don't let it Control You

Anger can be a paralyzing and debilitating condition.  But it can be a terrifying and degrading experience for your child if you're taking your anger out on them.  Physical and verbal abuse of a child can have lasting and lethal implications, so it's crucial that as a parent, you do whatever necessary to get your anger in check.

As a parent, you have a wonderful opportunity to undo the wrongs that were done to you as a child if you had an angry and abusive parent or parents. It can be very curative and demonstrate you where your troubles lie are and inspire you to fix them. Perhaps your past is filled with unresolved hurt and anger.  If so, take the necessary steps to heal yourself.  If you don't, you could unwillingly and unthinkingly harm your child. Studies have shown that children whose mothers often express anger are more likely to be difficult to discipline.  Identify problems from your past and honestly look at current situations that are angering you. Maybe you aren't fulfilled at work; perhaps your spouse and you are having relationship troubles, maybe you have other personal issues or unfulfilled goals that are bothering you. If all your child ever sees is your angry face and hears an angry voice, that's what they'll most likely grow into as well. The Anger Game: How to Control Your Anger

It's important to 'pick your battles' when parenting. Accidents and nuisances don't warrant the energy and agony it takes to get angry.  But misbehaviors such as a child hurting themselves, others or property demand a firm, quick and appropriate response from you. You will probably have to continually remind yourself that the small stuff isn't worth getting worked up over. And remind yourself also that you're the one in control of your anger; don't let your anger control you.  Put yourself in time out, take a deep breath, walk away, do whatever you have to in order to get a grip on yourself before addressing the situation if you feel your anger coming on strong. Anger Management: How To Control Your Anger To Get The Most Out Of Your Life! AAA+++ (Brand New)
Hypnosis - Control Your Anger, Anger Management, Managing Stress, Self Help
Getting Control of Your Anger: A Clinically-Proven, 3-Step Program for Getting to the Root of the Problem and Resolving It

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Differences Between Adult Bullying and Harassment

Adult bullying in the workplace occurs more often than people think, if they are aware that it occurs at all. Many people think bullying in the workplace is the same as harassment, and while they are similar, there are differences between bullying and harassment. There is a fine line in many cases, but one of the major differences between bullying and harassment in the workplace is that harassment is easy to stop whereas bullying is not. Childhood maltreatment in adult female psychiatric outpatients with eating disorders [An article from: Eating Behaviors]

One of the main differences between bullying and harassment is that harassment has physical components such has unwanted touching, intruding in personal space, and damaging possessions. Bullying is almost always emotional or psychological and involves verbal and written communication and actions. The subtle nature of workplace bullying makes it harder to stop than harassment.

Another one of the differences between bullying and harassment is that adult bullies will target anyone, even popular successful people. Adult bullies will target people they perceive as a better than tem at their job not people who are a minority or weaker than themselves.  Harassment, however, usually singles out people who are different based on racial, gender, and other differences. Harassment of these minorities is identified and even expected, but bullying of people who do not have these differences is harder to identify. Harassment is based on discrimination, one of the differences between bullying and harassment is that bullying is based on jealousy or insecurity. *NEW* BULLYING EXPOSED FOR BUSY MOMS

Only one instance of harassment is needed to identify it as harassment. The differences between bullying and harassment are that bullying is an ongoing problem. Harassment can happen repeatedly but it does not have to. Bullying always occurs more than once and many time very frequently. Harassment it also obvious and involves things that companies make very clear. Bullying can be much more subtle and the victim may not even realize they are being bullied until after it has been occurring regularly. The differences between bullying and harassment are that harassment victims are recognized and sympathized with, while bullying victims are often not recognized or dealt with in the appropriate manner.

Another one of the differences between bullying and harassment is that harassment is often done in the open and to boost the image of the person doing the harassment or prove to their peers that they are macho. These motives behind harassment are different than the motives behind bullying. Bullying usually occurs in private and is not publicly admitted. A workplace bully does not want other to know what they are doing and will deny that anything is going on at all. Adult bullies just want to damage their target enough so that they are not a threat anymore.

Harassment can take place both inside and outside of work while bullying occurs mostly in the workplace. Harassers often take pleasure in targeting others, while bullies do it to hide their own insecurities and to eliminate the threat they perceive in other people. There are many differences between bullying and harassment, which must be identified in order to differentiate between both types of injustices.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Constructing Your Child's Healthy Sense of Self Esteem

Your child's self esteem is their mental foundation. A self-assured child is confident, secure, happy, well-adjusted and successful. They can solve problems that come their way, and it thrives under a loving parent's nurturing care.

What are some good ways to built self esteem in your child?

Most importantly, accept your child for who they are, and help them do the same. Teach your child that nobody is perfect, and that everyone makes mistakes. Show them how to learn and grow from their mistakes, and let them know that you also make mistakes.   Children with high self esteem are able to take lessons from mistakes and apply them down the road.  A child with low self esteem become frustrated and resort to self-depreciating behavior, such as calling themselves 'stupid' and vowing to 'never try that again.'
Help your child discover their abilities and talents, and encourage outlets for them to build on and improve them.  Praise a child not only for improvements in abilities and skills, but also for the traits they naturally possess. Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child

Encourage your child to make positive choices.  Open an honest dialog with your child and discuss the possibilities with them.  Children who learn skills for making positive choices when they are younger are well-prepared for the tougher choices they have to make when they are older.

Ensure that you spend lots of quality time with your child, at least once a week. Whether you are shooting baskets or going out to grab a hamburger, take time to talk and keep in touch.  If you find it difficult to squeeze in quality time during a hectic week, take the time to talk about things during the drive to school or while they are helping you put the groceries away.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Connect with Your Child but Don't Overdo it

We all want to connect and be involved with our child.  Children of involved parents generally feel more confident, assured and have a higher level of self esteem.  They excel in school and do well in extracurricular activities and with their hobbies. 

But is there such a thing as too much involvement? It's imperative when you're becoming involved with your school-aged child's activities and academics that you recognize the line of what being too involved can be. 

Remember, you're becoming involved in your child's life.  It's important that you don't intrude too much upon it.  Children need their space and privacy and they need to be able to develop their own skills, talents and abilities.  In our eagerness to help our child succeed, it's tempting to want to step in and start doing things for them because you feel they are doing it incorrectly or inadequately.  But remember, you had to learn too, and this is their chance to learn on their own. 

Be there to encourage and support your child, and offer praise at a job well done.  But also remember to step back and allow your child to learn from their own mistakes, and to develop their own way of doing things. We all know from our own life experiences that there's always more than just one way to do something, and just because your child is doing it differently than you would doesn't make it wrong.  Who knows, it could present a terrific opportunity for you to learn from your child as well.  Close Kids - Connect Your Children For Life

In addition, try not to become too overbearing or nosy when it comes to their social life.  Be available for them should they need to talk and encourage them to share their troubles with you so you can help them sort through a problem.  But if they say they don't want to talk about it or they just need some time to figure things out for themselves, respect that need by letting them know you're available whenever they need you.  This is an important part of growing up and allowing a child to figure his own way through things is an integral part of that process. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Characteristics of Adult Bully Targets

Adult bullies target their victims in many of the same way children who bully do. While many people think that bullying only occurs amongst children, it can also happen in the workplace among adults.  No matter what the age of a bully, they are opportunistic and tend to prey on people they perceive as a threat or that they dislike because of differences. Adult bullies almost always bully others continuously and when one target leaves, quickly pick another. The following traits are common in adult bullying victims and usually make the bully feel insecure or threatened. Adult bullying can be more of a challenge to handle because it is harder to recognize and not as widely accepted as the bullying that occurs with children.

Adult bullies target people who are good at their job and excel beyond them. Bullies want to eliminate their competition and make their work seem better than it is. While bullying is not acceptable no matter the age of the person doing it, adults will still bully others if they see it as the only way to solve their problems. Adult bullies target people who put them in danger of looking bad in an attempt to sabotage their work.*NEW* BULLYING EXPOSED FOR BUSY MOMS

Adult bullies target people who are popular and well liked as well, especially if they are not too popular them selves. The more well liked and competent a person is, the bigger the threat they are to an adult bully. If an adult bully is seeking attention, they will target people who receive the most attention and try to make them seem less valuable.

Adult bullies target people with differences from themselves, especially those who have high morals and integrity. Adult bullies usually have problems coping with their own problems and are desperately trying to find ways to make themselves look better by targeting other adults who they perceive will not fight back. Adult bullies seek out these people because they are less likely to retaliate against them. Adult bullies target people with vulnerabilities as well, such as inexperienced employees or older employees. If a new employee refuses to join an established clique or act a certain way, adult bullies target them. If new employees do not conform or have new and independent ideas, they also may be targeted.

Adult bullies target employees who have talents, strong friendships, or who are excelling at their jobs because of jealousy and inadequacy issues. Adult bullies feel as though they have to victimize others because they are envious of their talents. Even though it would be easier to just work harder at developing their own talents, adult bullies seek to damage other people instead of working harder themselves.

Employees who have strong relationships with others may be the target of an adult bully because the bully feels left out and is angry that they are excluded. Many adult bullies have had problems forming their own friendships their entire lives.  Adult bullying is often overlooked and misunderstood in the workplace. While bullying among children is more common, adult bullying does take place. Asperger Syndrome and Bullying: Strategies and Solutions

A Man’s Guide to Re-Entering the Single’s Scene

If you are just getting out of a committed relationship you may need a few tips for re-entering the single’s scene.  While the single’s scene may not have changed tremendously during your relationship, you probably have.  Being in a committed relationship is much different from being involved in the single’s scene and you may need a few tips before re-entering the dating world.  You’ll need to relearn previously mastered skills that may have been forgotten such as making yourself appear attractive, asking out someone and planning a date and reading the signals of other singles.  Additionally, if online dating sites didn’t exist when you were courting your previous partner you may need to learn a little about this before re-entering the single’s scene.  It may take some time to get back into the single’s scenes but these tips will help to ease the transition. 

The key to attracting potential partners is to make yourself appear as attractive as possible.  This may not be as simple as it sounds.  You may look in the mirror and see yourself as attractive physically, mentally and emotionally but your opinion is not what is most important in the dating scene.  What you believe is attractive may not be perceived that way by other singles so it is important to have a good understanding about what your potential partners may identify as attractive.  Try using your previous relationship as a guideline for making yourself appear as attractive as possible.  Think back to what it was about you that attracted your previous partner and try to emphasize that feature or characteristic.  For example if your previous partner frequently complimented you on your broad shoulders and your thoughtfulness, you may want to wear clothes that accentuate your shoulders and take care to treat new acquaintances thoughtfully.  Understanding what potential partners may find attractive and emphasizing these features are essential to a man who is ready to re-enter the single’s scene.
If you were in your previous relationship for a long time, it has probably been quite awhile since you have had to ask someone out.  The key to success in the single’s scene is the ability to ask others out on dates and have them agree to go on a date with  you.  This is not a difficult skill but it is one that a man may need to brush up on if he has been out of the single’s scene for awhile.  If you want to have a great deal of success in asking people out, be confident without appearing arrogant.  This will make you seem like you are sure of yourself but not self-centered and will make you more desirable.  Also, when asking someone out, offer specific suggestions for what you would like to do on the date.  Just asking someone if they would be interested in getting together sometime is not nearly as effective as asking if they would be interested in joining you for dinner and dancing on a certain date.  One of the most important aspects of the single’s scene is the ability to ask people out successfully and many men may need a few tips on this as they prepare to re-enter the single’s scene.
In the single’s scene, it is also very important to be able to read the signals that others are giving off.  This skill will help determine if others are interested in you but this ability may have become rusty while you were in a committed relationship because you became used to your partner and the subtle ways they communicated with you without using words.  In the single’s scene however, singles are constantly giving off subtle signals that let you know whether or not you should approach them.  Understanding body language that indicates that the other person is not interested will help you avoid wasting your time on someone who isn’t interested in you.  A person who crosses their arms or turns away from you and averts eye contact is likely not interested in pursing a relationship with you.  Conversely, someone who smiles at you from afar, makes eye contact and angles their body towards you is probably interested in getting to know you better and may be open to going on a first date with you. 

Online dating and web sites that host personals ads are becoming increasingly popular.  If these weren’t available when you were courting your previous partner or you are unaware of how these sites work, you may want to explore the Internet as an opportunity to meet new potential partners.  Understanding how online dating sites work will help you to navigate your way around this cyber single’s scene.  While you may meet the love of your live online, it is important to exercise restraint in dating someone you meet online as it is very easy to deceive others online. 

Re-entering the dating scene after a long relationship can be tricky but hopefully these tips will help to guide you through the single’s scene.  It’s important to remember that the dating scene probably hasn’t changed much since you were involved in it.  Most likely, you have changed more than the dating scene so it just may take a little time before you remember how to successfully navigate the single’s scene.  Also, keep in mind that being yourself and having fun is the most effective way to meet people.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crafting With Kids

    Most children love to do craft projects, and this can be a fun way to teach them new things.  There are endless possibilities to how you can do this.  Begin gathering supplies that they can use when they would like to.  Here are a few suggestions:
   Start collecting objects that can be reused.  Small baby food containers, empty toilet rolls, twist ties from bread bags, small cardboard boxes, and old birthday cards are some ideas.  Put them in a box with some markers, glue, scissors, and heavy cardstock and let your child’s imagination flow.

    Teach them about volcanoes and then make a volcano from clay or playdough.  You can make a playdough that you can dry, or simply reuse when finished.  Or get some paint and paper and create a volcano through painting.  Volcanoes are just one idea; you could use any subject to teach through crafts.

    Scrapbooking is a fun activity with kids and can be really simple.  Find some items that they can add to a scrapbook, like the confetti from their birthday party, the cards they received, and a balloon.  Use these objects to decorate the scrapbook page and include the pictures from their party.  Show them how to journal to help them record their thoughts from that event.

    Make a craft box with different types of crafts they can use.  Include paper, markers, crayons, paints, glues, tape, wood sticks, and other items.  Back to school sales are a great time to stock up on some of these supplies.

    Allowing your kids to create with crafts gives them an outlet for the creativity that we want to bloom inside.  Make sure you marvel at their creation, and they will love you for it. Faber Castell Creativity for Kids "Designer Doggie" 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Disadvantages of public schooling

Schooling Children With Down Syndrome: Toward an Understanding of Possibility (Special Education Series (New York, N.Y.).)
When we consign our children to public schools, we feel satisfied
that they are receiving 'quality education'. But, are we really
getting our money's worth? More importantly, are the children
gaining anything from this kind of a learning procedure?

Socialization is hailed as one of the greatest advantage of
schools. This is the place where the child picks up the rudiments
of social skills that help him survive. But in truth, a regular
school-going child can interact only with his peers. He may bully
younger children or fear older ones. He does not know how to
behave with an adult. This is because in the school environment
he interacts only with his peers. A homeschooling environment
brings in a more natural social environment.

A regular school going child cannot read literature. He cannot
keep silent or think in depth about any one thing. The artificial
'busy'ness imposed upon him by the school disallows quiet
contemplation. Rowdy and destructive behavior, as seen among
peers, is more noticeable in school-goers.

There is little long-standing knowledge among regular school goers
because most things are learnt for the exam. There is no
correlation of facts with life. The child may know a lot, but
understands very little. This is where the homeschoolers beat the
regular school goers. Ultimately, homeschoolers emerge more adept
at facing the outside world.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Teenage Marriage

Teenage marriage is the marriage between teenagers or a marriage between two people where one of the partners is a teenager. Many young boys and girls get married during adolescence. Reasons for teenage marriage include pregnancy and traditional practices, including forced early marriage. Some girls opt for marriage out of a need to be loved and cared for or in order to get away from an unhappy home. Other young people get married due to romantic illusions about marriage and pressures from other people. Teenagers are not usually biological, emotionally and socially mature to take on the responsibilities of marriage. Teens Look at Marriage: Rainbows, Roles and Realities - A Look at the Real World of Teenage Couples Based on Nationwide Research

Young people contemplating marriage should consider the following questions:
·         Do I want to get married because someone else wants me to?
·         Do I want to get married because I need financial support and security?
·         Do I want to get married because I need someone to take care of me?
·         Do I want to get married because many people are getting married?
·         Do I want to get married so as not to lose my partner?
·         Do I want to get married because I need to get away from problems at home or parents?

In addition to emotional considerations, there are a host of practical issues for consideration and discussion before marriage. These include;
·         Where you will live
·         The number of children you desire having
·         Organization of your household
·         Relationships with friends and family
·         Professional aspirations
·         Cultural loyalties etc
Each of these presents challenges to the couple. There are times when the challenges become too great for some.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Divorce Is Not The Answer

One major question burned in my mind: why did some couples have a successful, happy marriage and other couples have dismal, painful, unsuccessful marriages? I quickly noticed that there are some distinct differences between the two. I now know that there are distinct, clear, and learnable secrets of marriage.
People often ask me if I believe in divorce. My joking response is “yes, I’ve seen it. I believe in it.” I just think it can, almost always, be avoided. I don’t believe in saving abusive relationships. However, I think we too easily end marriages more often than not -- and for easily avoided reasons! The statistics are quoted and known by everyone: nearly 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce. 

And the statistics for 2nd and 3rd (and 4th, 5th, 6th, etc.) marriages are dismal. The chance of staying married in a following marriage is MUCH lower than 50%. So, divorce doesn’t solve anything. Besides, divorces: rarely end a relationship (children keep you attached, like it or not), destroy finances (both in direct divorce costs -- average cost is $20,000, plus emotional costs and financial losses), undermine happiness, and have a negative impact on children.

Here’s one interesting thing, we all know people who have divorced. They are not bad people (OK, some may be unpleasant!). So divorce is not an issue just for bad people, bad communicators, etc., etc., etc. Divorce happens to perfectly wonderful people. . . who just don’t know how to stay married!

Are you struggling to stay married, worried that you may be headed for trouble?
Are you faced with the looming prospect of divorce?
Does your spouse think your marriage is hopeless. . . and you mostly agree?
Do you find yourself having the same issues over and over, unable to break out of the painful patterns?
Or are you trying to make sure you have the best information to keep your marriage on-track?
Or are you preparing for marriage and want to get started on the best possible footing?
Or are you in a committed relationship, contemplating marriage, but want to know what makes a marriage work?

If you answered “YES” to any of these, The Secret Of Marriage will be invaluable to you! You need to grab the program. The Secret Of Marriage is the complete program to teach you how to improve, understand, even save your marriage, regardless of the current situation.

This program is designed to bring you the information in the simplest, most direct method possible: videos! That’s right. This is a multi-media product that saves you from having to even read. Let’s face it, if you are worried about your marriage, it may even be difficult to focus on a book. Now you don’t have to. You can watch the videos and learn how to save your relationship.

 I am proud of this information! You won’t find it anywhere else. It has been tested and re-tested. I can tell you: the information works. You need only watch the videos and apply the information. Unlock the Secrets Of Marriage, starting today, right now!

How To Save Your Marriage ... Divorce Is NOT The Answer